IDNINAPROM is a private company founded in 1990, whose core business is finishing handicraft works in construction, specialized in sale and installation of floor coverings.

IDNINAPROM is a private company founded in 1990, whose core business is finishing handicraft works in construction, specialized in sale and installation of floor coverings.

Our program of floor coverings covers the following products of our partners:
Fatra - Czech producer of PVC vinyl floor covering

Infloor - German producer of textile floor coverings in rolls
Heuga - Dutch producer of textile floor covering in tiles
MERO TSK - German producer of electrostatic access floors
Nora - German producer of rubber floor coverings

To complete your satisfaction with home or work space, we have door-mats, anti-fatigue mats and slip-resistant tapes from 3M Facilities Care & Cleaning program.

IDNINAPROM has its own warehouse space, which at any time has at stock of approximately 10.000 m² of different floor coverings. It also has complete equipment and tools for successful and quality performance of the activity. Besides permanently engaged employees, the company cooparates with external contractors, which ensures quality and timely completion of the undertaken obligations.


Покрај испораката и инсталирањето на подни облоги, Иднинапром има развиено неколку производи за домашен и медицински ентериер.



Idninaprom DOO Skopje
Bul.snt.Kliment Ohridski 20a/6
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel/fax: +389-2-3222501
Tel: +389-2-3224210

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