In our range we offer different kinds of skirings: fillet strips (final and formative skirting), skirtings for textile floor coverings, skirtings for PVC floor, skirtings for vinyl and textile floor coverings.

The quality of each installation depends on the quality of accompanying materials (adhesives, leveling compound, etc.). IDNINAPROM also offers also these accompanying materials with high quality, as well as other materials for correcting the floors and solving a variety of problems that may appear during the installation of floor coverings.



Покрај испораката и инсталирањето на подни облоги, Иднинапром има развиено неколку производи за домашен и медицински ентериер.




Idninaprom DOO Skopje
Bul.snt.Kliment Ohridski 20a/6
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel/fax: +389-2-3222501
Tel: +389-2-3224210

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